Material Property Data: Searchable database of material data sheets - including property information
on thermoplastic and thermoset polymers such as ABS, nylon, polycarbonate, polyester, polyethylene and polypropylene; metals such as aluminium,
cobalt, copper, lead, magnesium, nickel, steel, superalloys, titanium and zinc alloys; ceramics; plus semiconductors, fibres, and other
engineering materials.
OneLook - one search box searches 626 dictionaries at once, or browse the dictionaries, including
dictionaries of various languages and specific dictionaries for technical fields.
Science and Engineering Encyclopaedia - entries in mathematics, computing, mechanical
engineering, noise and vibration, more, often with online calculators, by Dirac Delta Consultants.
EngNet - a directory/search engine/buyers' guide service with a wealth of links to engineering
services and products, organised by discipline and industry - portal for the plastics industry contains more than 400 links hand-picked by
engineers on a wide range of categories, including jobs, forums, materials and processors - resource portal and virtual community for information, reference, products,
services and collaboration
IEEE History Centre - excellent collection of electrical engineering
history articles and links. Their "Related Sites" collection is excellent.
The Engines of our Ingenuity - transcripts of more than 1,500 episodes from John H.
Lienhard's National Public Radio show about the history of technology. Keyword searchable. An incredible trove of information and food for
Linda Hall Library of Science and Technology - a private library, not affiliated with a university,
that will send you photocopies or e-mail you digital copies of journal articles for a fee
World Lecture Hall - search the Web for pages related to particular academic courses.
Search by topic, instructor, institution, etc. Pages indexed range from syllabi and supplementary readings to full-on Internet-based courses.
William Godden Structural Engineering Slide Library - photos of structures
representing various types, some famous, with commentary. Maintained by the National Information Service for Earthquake Engineering. - basic information on a variety of subjects such as the design
process, gear systems, cams, structures, basic CNC work for teachers and students. Includes many animated graphics.
Engineering Case Studies - from Carleton University, a catalogue of 250 engineering case
studies, with information about how to order them electronically or find them in journals. Also contains articles on how to write a case study
and how to use case studies in the classroom.
The Construction Education Connection - not a very discriminating collection, but if
you are looking for a resource for teaching about construction, it's in here somewhere
National Centre for Construction Education and Research - NCCER develops and publishes standardised
construction and maintenance curricula, safety programs, management education, industry image materials and craft skills assessments.
Professional Publications, Inc. - designed to help engineers prepare for and pass engineering
licensing exams. Includes information and products related to the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) and the Professional Engineer (PE) exams. - explores engineering as a career option and provides
information about women in engineering and basic engineering course work from USA universities